Monday, July 7, 2008


The young boy wades his way through the cold water. On the edge of the big creek ice floats and cracks as he makes waves.His feet are cold even though he is wearing an old pair of hip waders. Also, his hands are numb from being continuously dipped in the frozen water. On his back is his wooden trap basket in which he carries his traps, lures and a few tools. If someone was to see him now they would think he was from the 1800's. On his head sits a dead raccoon, or as he would say "A 'coonskin hat." Under his fringed buckskin coat he is wearing a drop sleeve shirt the mountain trappers of the early 1800's wore. On his legs are cloth leggings held up by a leather belt. On the leather belt over his hips sits a revolver and a buckskin sheathed knife. But, after his traps are set he is driven away in a truck of today. Tomorrow he hoped to have some fur in one of his traps.

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