Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Ground Hog...MISS

Pic of the bow i used on this hunt This groundhog was another smart one. the neighbors wanted me to kill some so i figured I'd give it a try... Anyway i went over scouted a bit and find out where this good size boar was "hangin 'round". i rode my bike down the stone road and saw him out feeding like a grizz on the fresh yard grass. i quickly got off my bike and made way to his area. i stalked to within 10 yards of him. Perfect. he went around a small bend and i got down and waited for him to reappear. he did exactly that and at 10 yards he gave me a perfect shot. he shoulder was exposed and i drew back on my homemade longbow and released. MISS!. the ash arrow flew over his shoulder and hit a metal pipe behind him, i had choked. i took the other arrow from my bow hand and nocked it cautiously, drew on the bow, after he exposed his vitals again, and shot, ANOTHER MISS! this time he ran to a small patch of thick stuff at 20 yards i tried for a shot but missed.....At ten yards i had became to excited and forgot that these two new arrows i ahd made for some reason flew high, i think the spine might be wrong, but at a target i could hit good but at this large ground hog at ten yards i managed to miss... it was a fun exciting hunt and my first few arrows i ever fired at game that was on four legs, big medicine being that close with a longbow.

1 comment:

Mike "Hawk" Huston said...

Fine looking bow you built Ryan, and your respect for the hunt is commendable... keep then coming Groundhog Slayer... Hawk a/ho